Ben Franklin wonders where the City of Orono Reserves are?

Citizens of Orono and beyond, please ask Orono Mayor Walsh and City Staff where Orono financial reserves are right now, and into the next few years.

In the past, Orono had cash reserves on hand for several departments for emergencies and unplanned expenses. Are all those reserves gone now?

Ask #SpendyDenny how his financial "intuition" is handling liquidity and tomorrow's uncertainty. Is Orono strapped for cash? Is this why the City of Orono keeps raising our taxes with no relief in sight?

Please attend a City Council meeting and put your voice into the public record. This is the best way for Citizens to Unite for fiscal conservancy in Orono.

#citizensfororono #orono #oronocitycouncil #fiscalconservation


Who is directing Orono City Staff behind the scenes?


Orono Taxes are Going Up AGAIN!