Who is directing Orono City Staff behind the scenes?

Did #MayorWalsh just do it again?

Is he directing staff behind the scenes against Orono City Ordinance? It appears someone told City Staff to engage Oertel Architects without City Council direction to bid on remodeling the old Public Works Building for a Temporary Fire Station?

This also appears to be without Citizen Input and little City Council discussion if any. Now these actions are up for budget approval?

During recent Orono City Council meetings Mayor Walsh has admitted that he directed City Staff including the Subcommittee appointments. And then they were approved by the same four City Council votes in lockstep.

Wow. What if the Citizens of Orono don't want certain council members on certain subcommittees? What if we don’t want a multimillion dollar temporary or duplicate Fire Station? Certainly there appears to be conflicts of interest with Council member #mariaveach and the Fire Negotiation Committee, the Fire Negotiation committee, and what about the Budget Committee? Citizens are voicing their concerns about a duplicate (or temporary?) FireHouse less than a mile from the existing one - that's not fiscally responsible or logical.

Lack of communication and lack of process appear to be this administrations hallmarks. If this sounds off to you then please come to Orono City Council meetings and place your voice into the public record. #togetherwearebetter This is the best way for citizens to meet and learn about each other!

#bts #orono #oronocitycouncil #llfd #stopcitizensuppression #stopincreasingtaxes #TransparencyMatters


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