In His Own Words: Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby

In their own Words

Orono Planning Commissioner Dennis Libby has been very active, along with Mayor Dennis Walsh, in commenting about both private citizens and former officials. Both of them have been posting on Nextdoor through the local Politics group and commenting in various meetings. Attached is one of Libby’s rants criticizing former city officials during the 7/12/23 Coffee for the Mayor meeting. Is this ethical, professional or warranted? Isn’t the City Council and the rest of the departments including City Staff supposed to be nonpartisan? (For the full video, see our Youtube Channel here: (

In the past, Libby became known for grandstanding against legal new home building in his neighborhood. He demanded the city council go against the city's code and stop citizens' legal right to develop their land. The city attorney warned the city against taking Libby's advice as it would certainly cause the city to be sued and lose. Fortunately the City Council did not fall for Libby's influence.

Then Libby's support of Walsh for mayor got him in hot water at JJ Hills Day when he violated the parade policy with election signs on his float. When Walsh was elected mayor, he immediately rewarded Libby with an appointment to the Planning Commission despite the fact that Libby blatantly tried to get the city to ignore its own code. When we asked him about this at the end of the 7/12/23 Coffee for the Mayor meeting he claimed he’d never had a complaint against himself.

This is the type of cronyism that Orono has had since Walsh got elected. Does this sound similar to the favoritism with Orono Planning Commissioner Bob Erickson and Orono Council member Matt Johnson? Please do read about their special deals on our website

Time to start electing city leaders who will not change Orono laws and values for the benefit of their friends or transactional connections. It’s time to attend Orono City Council meetings to make your voices heard. Stand up for Public Rights and make your voice heard along with all of the rest of us.

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


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