Orono Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Denying Long Lake Fire Department Legacy?

How does Mr. Crosby come up with these statements?

He said during the 7/24/23 Orono City Council Work Session, “...that doesn’t even cover the lack of support and equipment the department needs…” Who voted to underfund and under capitalize the Long Lake Fire Department since you came into office Mr. Crosby? You did. Please take responsibility for your own actions instead of cowardly blaming the City of Long Lake. #integritymatters

And now, we’re not sure how much of a team player Mr. Crosby was when he was with the Long Lake Fire Department, but what is crystal clear is that he is not supportive of its legacy. His twisted talk of apparent knowledge, shame and force is unraveling during public meetings.

It looks like Orono choked off supporting the Long Lake Fire Department years ago in order to make it look like the service needed rescuing, or a takeover, or a whole new department. Just how many new pieces of equipment could the Orono City Council have purchased in these past years to make our fire service better instead of starving the Long Lake Fire Department of funds? And think how much goodwill Mr. "Crossbee" could have created by supporting the very fire department that pays your pension? Instead you are making Orono citizens embarrassed by your actions and apologizing to Long Lake for the Orono’s actions.

What a sad state of affairs that never needed to happen in the first place. #richardcrosby now supports a very risky idea of creating a fire department from scratch and that will entail multi- millions of taxpayer dollars, possibly increased homeowners insurance rates and more.

Tell #crossbee to stop the angry rhetoric, and start listening to constituents.

#togetherwearebetter #friendsoforono #citizensfororono #oronocitycouncil #llfd


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