Walsh wants to spend $15-$20 Million Dollars Extra on Fire

Why do we need to spend $15-$20 Million or more Extra Dollars on a Duplicate Fire Department?

That’s the fiscally prudent question that Mayor Walsh could not answer in the Coffee for the Mayor meeting held on 8/16/23. You can watch the entire meeting here: https://youtu.be/Rcu8c23X8qg

There is no financial reason to build and fund a go-it-alone fire department so why is Walsh doing it? This is the question that needs to be asked by every single Citizen in Orono.

Why would you spend that kind of extra money on a go-it-alone strategy that is an outdated model for running a fire dept.? What is Walsh getting out of such an apparently misguided effort?

Why hasn’t Walsh listened to citizen input that states this is not needed nor do the citizens want to pay for it? Why does Walsh want to divide our community? And now Walsh has created another lawsuit for the city by forcing this misguided idea on the community.

Please do ask him at the next City Council meeting on the public record so we can all hear and respond.

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


Orono Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Denying Long Lake Fire Department Legacy?


The Deal is On the Table Orono City Council!