Walsh, Crosby and Veach Break Open Meeting Law, Again?

During the "For Profit" Pavilion ground breaking, Mayor Walsh and Orono Council members #richardcrosby and #mariaveach decided to hold a quorum without notifying the Citizens of Orono.

This appears to be yet again another violation of Open Meeting Law https://mn.gov/admin/data-practices/meetings/rules/

This law is in place to protect the Citizens so that they can know what is happening and participate in the governance of their community.

Why does Mayor Walsh lead others to break open meeting law? Maybe Mayor Walsh needs to attend the League of Minnesota Cities Ethics Training?

Citizens should beware of the lack of process at Orono City Hall. And so should the @lionsinternational Ethics matter. #Vote2024

Orono City Council - Maria Veach City of Orono, Minnesota Government #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalsh #richardcrosby


Navarre and Surrounding Residents Should be Concerned


Orono Mayor Walsh “It’s all about the money.”