Mediation fails to end lawsuit between Long Lake and Orono

The mediation between the City of Orono and the City of Long Lake did not bring our two cities closer together 9/26/23. Sadly, the Orono/Long Lake Citizens and the Long Lake Council want to come together and bring resolution to the contentious situation with three Orono City Council members. Please ask #mayordenniswalsh #councilmemberrichardcrosby and #councilmembermattjohnson to stop fighting with the overwhelming majority of constituents - stop spending tens of millions of dollars on a Stand Alone Fire Department we do not need.

This issue may indeed put Orono financially at risk if it hasn't already. Further:

Ask where Orono’s cash reserves are?

Ask what Orono's debt level is and when it will be paid off?

Ask why Orono isn’t following national Fire Department statistics?

Ask where our bond funds are and what they went to?

Ask where maintenance fees are for our buildings and Parks in the current and long term budgets?

Ask for the total Public Works building and outfitting budget?

Ask why Mayor Walsh said he overbuilt the Public Works building by 25,000 square feet?

Ask for the total Fire Department Budget including all projections for the next 10 years?

Ask for the transparency that both #MayorWalsh and #RichardCrosby ran on to become Council members?

Ask why is Mayor Walsh building all this infrastructure without transparent short term and long term budgets?

Ask why Orono needs funds for Parks when there was apparently several hundred thousand earmarked for Parks when the Mayor took office?

Is this the track our small city should be on? There are only 3039 households in Orono so are we all on the hook for all of these fees, equipment and long term debt? Mr. Walsh wishes to sell services back to sister cities, but who among them will ever work with Orono again after all this strife?

And now there are 8 lawsuits against the city and various council members including the Mayor. What about all those costs? Where are those in the budget?

Attend City Council meetings. Write to the "block of three voters" and ask them the hard questions - demand answers on the public record by copying City Administrator Adam Edwards - Orono’s Future Depends on it.

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #cityoforono #friendsoforono


Where is all the Orono Park Funding? Why isn't Orono saving?


Why doesn't Maria Veach Recuse herself from all Fire Related Matters?