The Story of Funny Money and Two Fire Chiefs

Why are Orono Citizens paying for two Fire Chiefs? Why does Mr. James Van Eyll have a command vehicle and he doesn’t have any fires to go to? Why was that written into his contract with the City of Orono?

Why are we paying over $100k in salary for at least two years and paying for his vehicle when he does not have a department to manage? Our fire service continues to be provided by Long Lake. Orono’s new fire chief just sits at a desk and figures out what a whole new department will need and cost. He does not fight any fires. How can Orono citizens afford to support two fire chiefs - one actually working and one just “on hold” wishing Orono starts a new department. Where is the plan and budget for this new duplicate fire department? Is the Orono Council going to come clean with its citizens and tell us how much this wild idea of starting a brand new fire department will cost???

This multi-million dollar proposal of creating a whole new department when fire service already exists should be presented to the public for a vote and not decided for Orono in a dictatorship manner.

Write your City Council member today:


Is the City of Orono in Breach of Contract with the City of Long Lake?


You are Invited! Hackberry Park Listening Session April 29 10-11 a.m.