Can Orono Maintain Their Own Parks?

Let's ask the City of Orono how they are going to maintain our Parks and how much that is going to cost? Once again, poor @BederwoodPark is subject to someone ripping up the turf by riding through the entire park on a motorized vehicle.

Why is Orono building more amenities when they haven't put forth a plan for tree maintenance, invasive species or even upkeep of the park features we already have? Let's ask #parksuperintendentjoshlemons about enlarging that tiny sign at Bederwood and clarifying if motorized vehicles can ride through Orono Parks?

Please attend the next Park Commission meeting on February 5th at 6 p.m. And let's ask Park Commissioner #brianroath to please post the 2024 official calendar on the city website!

#togetherwearebetter #greenspace #ordinancesarelaws


Orono Struggles with Communication to Citizens Again


Hennepin County and the Nation focus on #racialhealing - Can Orono City Council Do the Same?