Orono Fire Department is not Ready
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Fire Department is not Ready

Not ready. Yet another part of the tens of millions of dollar Orono Fire not ready for service on the holiday with the most calls per year - 4th of July. Sadly we hope nothing happens due to the under equipped, understaffed and undertrained fire service that City of Orono is forcing onto Navarre residents. It’s not too late for Mayor Walsh to negotiate with Long Lake. It’s right thing to do for our Citizen’s safety.

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Chief Van Eyll blocks Citizens on Social Media
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Chief Van Eyll blocks Citizens on Social Media

Please see the official Orono City Council remarks with the count here: https://youtu.be/Ri4eozm-jL8?si=4QZks2lmt0MFnVVa This information has been available to all for quite some time.

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Cutting Service? Understaffed? Temp Firehouses? Are they Serious?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Cutting Service? Understaffed? Temp Firehouses? Are they Serious?

Are Orono residents getting the whole fire service story?

Orono’s new fire chief Van Eyll never hired one other paid on-call firefighter during their recruitment campaign other than those from the Long Lake Fire Department (LLFD).

Why is that? Because other departments and cities know about working with Mayor Walsh? Or was it because Walsh was trying to take over the LLFD? Or did outside firefighters not want to work with Van Eyll?

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The Fire Service Solution is Easy Peasy!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

The Fire Service Solution is Easy Peasy!

Lawlessness in Orono: Read Between the Lines

This week, Mayor Walsh released a single page document commenting on the second contempt of court against Orono. Is Mayor Walsh really refuting Hennepin County Court Judge Miller? Is the City of Orono really refuting two Contempt of Court judgements? Is Mayor Walsh appealing these two judgements? If so, when?

How unusual is it for a Minnesota City to defy a court order? Highly unusual and the City of Orono may be the only city to have ever done so in Minnesota’s history. Now we’ve had two Contempt of Court judgements before the actual breach of contract trial. This is very poor leadership and takes Orono Citizens into a legal abyss. And Mayor Walsh single-handily chooses to put the future of Orono’s fire service in complete disarray.

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