The Fire Service Solution is Easy Peasy!

Mayor Walsh has a secret. He doesn’t want you to know that the easiest, fastest, and most cost effective option for fire service in Orono is the Long Lake Fire Department (LLFD). He doesn’t want you to know that renegotiating the LLFD contract would solve all our woes in the short term, and long term.

Why doesn’t he want to consider this solution? Because he wants to control the spending of millions of taxpayer funds for buildings, equipment, and Firefighters. But this isn’t necessary, and it’s not even needed in Orono - a small city of around 7800 residents.

What’s even crazier is that Walsh’s plan goes directly against national Fire Service trends. Across the country, small cities are combining with other cities to provide even better service due to the costs and lack of Firefighters.

So what’s at stake? Safety for one, and a whole lot of unnecessary spending for another. We are also wasting a lot of time, and creating unrest in our communities. Orono has incurred a second Contempt of Court from a Hennepin County Judge for its actions in trying to set up a new department.

Orono residents, please ask Mayor Walsh to sit back down at the negotiating table and sign a new contract with LLFD.

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono

#llfd #ofd #oronofiredepartment #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshfororonomayor


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