You are Invited! To the “TajMahal” Ribbon Cutting

Citizens of Orono!

It is so important that you know and pay attention to this development because you are paying handsomely for it over the next several decades including $5 million in interest costs. This is one of the primary reasons Orono’s tax levy went 20+% for this year.

Never heard of Orono Public Works Building aka the “Taj Mahal” of public works? Well, that’s because there hasn’t been a community wide, public presentation of the project details even the post below for more information and the latest drawing.

Waiting for the email invitation to our community event? So were we. So far all we've seen is the email mention of a possible quorum at the event. Checking with the city website there is a notification there, but you have to look. Now to be fair, the Mayor did invite everyone to the event in the newsletter without a time or address, but officially in writing, everyone is invited.

We hope to see you there to witness this nontransparent, most expensive project in our small town history. Please come and make your feelings known while the shovels and cameras are out!


Hackberry Park Slated for Development


Are We Done Yet? What is the budget for the new Public Works Building?